Book Blogger Hop; Fictitious Town I Want To Live In

It's Friday, which means it's time for a new Book Blogger Hop post thanks to the blogger behind Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Is there a fictitious town in a book that you would love to live in? What makes it so appealing?".

In my case, as being a Harry Potter fan, it's a no-brainer answering Hogsmeade really. There's something about the medievalish charm that appeals to me.


  1. A very popular answer. My son would love to live there too.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. This week's most popular answer seems to be Hogsmeade! :)

  3. Lots of people are answering Hogsmeade this week indeed! Completely understandable though, it seems like a truly magical place (pun intended). It would be so fun to explore!

    I actually didn't even think about Hogsmeade when I answered the question myself. If you're interested in checking out my own post, please feel free and let me know what you think!

    No pressure though. Thank you for sharing your own answer with us! :)

    1. Hogsmeade would certainly be fun to explore. :-)

  4. Great minds...I picked Hogsmeade too and I just couldn't name ALL the reasons I want to live there!

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Let's face it, where does one start with all the reasons? :-P


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