Book Tag; The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag

I did the Mid-Year Freak Out Tag back in 2020 and decided it was time to do it again. So here's this year's answers.

Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2024?
Even though I've read plenty of good ones, I'd answer City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab

Best Sequel of 2024 so far?
It's technically book number four in the series, but I really enjoyed reading The Hollow Dead by Darcy Coates

New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want to?
Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi

Most Anticipated Release of the Second Half of 2024?
The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette's by Hanna Alkaf

Biggest Disappointment?
For me it was Romancing the Inventor by Gail Carriger

Biggest Surprise?
Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare

Favourite New Author?
Victoria Schwab

Newest Fictional Crush?
None so far

Newest Favourite Character?
Addy from Below by Laurel Hightower

Book That Made You Cry?

Book That Made You Happy?
Not quite sure if horror can make me happy

Favourite Book to Movie Adaptation You’ve Seen This Year?
I haven't seen any this year yet

Favourite Review You’ve Written This Year?

Most Beautiful Book You Bought or Received So Far This Year?
Halloween: A Collection of Short Stories by Matt Shaw

What Books Do You Need to Read by the End of the Year?
Honestly too many to count really


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