Book Tag; All About Halloween Book Tag

I came across the All About Halloween Book Tag over at The Book Dutchesses and as I love Halloween and book tags, I couldn't resist participating in this tag.

What are your favorite Halloween movies?
Dracula - Dead and Loving It, hands down. I've watched it so many times, I know where the punch line is in every scene, so I wouldn't recommend anyone watching it with me though.

What is your favorite Halloween book?
There's a hint in the anwer to the last question. Bram Stoker's Dracula.

What other Halloween books would you recommend?
The Exorcist's House by Nick Roberts

The Haunting of Las Lágrimas by W. M. Cleese

Greyfriars Reformatory by Frazer Lee

Do you own any Halloween ugly sweaters?
No, not yet at least.

What are some of your favorite Halloween costumes?
As I've barely gotten the chance to celebrate Halloween and dress up in costume, I don't have any favourites.

What are you doing for Halloween this year?
Nothing at all, so I'm just staying at home. Maybe I'll read a spooky book.

What is your favorite childhood Halloween memory?
None, as Halloween wasn't a thing in Norway when I was a kid.


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