Book Blogger Hop; Hva er det morsomste aspektet ved å være bokblogger?

Jeg fant ut det var på tide å skrive nok et innlegg i forbindelse med Book Blogger Hop, som blir arrangert av Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer hver uke. Denne ukens spørsmål var hva er det morsomste aspektet ved å være bokblogger?

Hvis en ser bort fra det åpenbare aspektet ved å kunne blogge om bøker, er et av de bedre aspektene alle personene jeg har kommet i kontakt med på grunn av blogginga. 


  1. I was on my cell phone this afternoon, and decided to check my BBH post again. That was when I saw your comment, so I came over to your own BBH post. You see, I'm one of those bloggers who firmly believes in commenting back. If someone takes the time to comment on my blog post, then they deserve the courtesy of a return comment on their own blog. I also reply on my blog. However, since not everyone has the time to do both, I do think they should at least comment back. So here I am!! :) :) :)

    I've seen your posts before, but, since I couldn't understand them, I couldn't comment. Today, for the first time, I've been able to understand what you've written. That's because, when I looked up your blog on my cell phone, I got a Google notification asking me whether I wanted this page translated into English. This doesn't happen, though, when I use my PC to access your post. Hmmm....VERY strange, indeed! :(

    According to the Google notification, the language you are using is Norwegian. And, according to the Google translation, the title of your blog, in English, is: "The Smell of Printer's Ink".

    I don't think these Google translations are very good, though. Today's question is translated as: "What is the most fun aspect of being a books blog?" Lol. This is not how the question reads on Billy's blog post!

    Well, anyway, I'm SO happy to have understood, at last, even if the translation is not perfect! I think there's a way for you to include a "translation button" on this blog. I'm going to check my blog settings, and will come back and let you know. I think you'll start getting comments on your BBH posts when people are able to understand what you've written. After all, the Book Blogger Hop's participants all write in English. None of us speak, read, or understand Norwegian, lol. I'm fluent in Spanish myself, but I blog in English.

    Anyway....on to your answer to this question. The Google translation of your answer does sound a bit awkward, also, but again, it's better to have a flawed translation than no translation at all.

    What you've stated is that one of the best aspects of book blogging is meeting and interacting with other book bloggers. I totally agree!! Since you believe that this interaction is the best part of book blogging, you should really have a translation button, or something similar, on your blog. That way, more people from the Book Blogger Hop will come over to check out, and comment on, your answer, and you will make more new friends!

    Thanks for coming over to my blog and commenting on my answer to this week's question! And by the way, I really like this question!!

    So I'll be back with some instructions on adding a translation button or option to your blog, okay? See you again soon!! <3 <3 :) :)

    1. P.S. Okay, I have found out what to do so that visitors can understand your blog posts. HOWEVER, I have BAD news.... The Blogger translation gadget is NOT working! :(

      I just tried out the gadget myself, and no, it's not working. I tried it out on THREE different browsers, too -- Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Google Chrome. I don't know why it's not working....

      So this is what you can do, if you want, at least for now. Just include a note in your sidebar, telling people to access your blog through their cell phones. The Google translation notification will appear right away. Then people can comment on your blog posts using their PCs, since it's more comfortable to use a keyboard than to tap out messages on a cell phone.

      If you decide to add this note to your sidebar, make sure it's in English, though. Not that I'm favoring English just because I happen to know the language. It's just that the truth is, English has become pretty much an international language.

      So this is what I suggest you do. I'm also going to contact Blogger, through their Twitter page (which I follow) to let them know that their "Translate" gadget is not working.

      Enjoy the rest of your day, as well as the rest of your week!! <3 <3 :) :)

    2. Thanks a lot for your comments and input.

      What I can do, instead of struggling with iffy Google translate is to write (at least some) blog posts with a bilingual set up (Norwegian and English), like the Book Blogger Hop posts, so both English/Norwegian speakers are happy. By doing the translation myself, there's a fair chance it will be a lot more reliable than a Google translate-option as I've majored in English at uni. :-P

    3. You're very welcome, Kristin!

      You know, I think that's a GREAT idea!! It's true that the Google Translate option is not that good. In fact, I remember what happened a couple of years ago,when I decided to add it to my blog. (Yes, it was working back then, lol.) I wanted to try it out first, so I chose to have my blog translated into Spanish. OMG!! When I started reading my blog posts in that language, I could NOT believe how BAD the translation was!!!!

      So I think that your idea of having the Book Blogger Hop in both Norwegian and English is PERFECT!! You will DEFINITELY be getting more visitors and comments!! I will be one of those visitors/commenters! :)

      Thanks for your very nice reply!! Looking forward to your BBH post this coming Friday!! Have a GREAT day!! <3 <3 :) :)


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