Omtale: 23:27 av H. L. Roberts

Takket være YA Bound Book Tours fikk jeg muligheten til å lese 23:27 av H. L. Roberts og nå kommer omtalen.

Beskrivelse fra Goodreads

Money.Glory.These were all the things that you would expect from being famous. The bait that the producers of the industry would tempt you with to get you on their side.What they don't tell you though are all the inner tragedies that come along just as quickly. They don't tell you about the heartache that occurs when you realize that this wasn't what you wanted at all.They don't tell you about the pressure that's always on the verge of crushing you when you're forced to do everything that the public demands for and not what you truly desire.They don't tell you about the self hatred that would soon take over your entire being at the thought that you will never be good enough.No - they don't tell you these things at all.But, Lilith Rose will.When Lilith Rose, lead singer to one of the most famous rock bands around gets tired of all the lies and secrets that comes with being famous.She decides that it's time for all of it to stop and ends up revealing everything on a Facebook live stream.The result..."Part of me wants to die tonight, part of me wants it to be an accident, and part of me wants someone to notice and save me." - Lilith Rose.

Mine tanker om boka
Personlig synes jeg at boka var bra skrevet, og med to POV (Lilith og Alec) får en mer dybde til historien. Samtidig får boka frem viktige tema som selvmord, selvmordsforebygging, depresjon og nettmobbing.

Med tanke på at romanen har de temaene den har, tenkte jeg at jeg i samme slengen å nevne at hvis det er noen som sliter psykisk, er det hjelp å få, enten ved å få fastlegen til å henvise til psykolog (selv om det kan ta litt tid enkelte steder i landet før en får plass) i tillegg til Hjelpetelefonen drevet av Mental Helse. I mange tilfeller har også noen distriktpsykiatriske senter også et akutteam en kan ta kontakt med.


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