Making Up for Monday; Hvilken bok har jeg planer om å lese etter den nåværende boka?

Ny mandag og dermed en ny Making Up for Monday, takket være An Avid Reader. Denne ukens tema er "hvilken bok jeg har planer om å lese etter den nåværende boka?".

Den boka jeg har planer om å lese er den engelske versjonen av "When Fraser Met Billy" av Louise Booth.

Teksten under kommer fra AmazonUK;
"Billy the cat was rescued from an abandoned house. Fraser was a two-year-old autistic child with a multitude of problems when he first met Billy at the cat protection shelter. Billy purred, laid his paws across Fraser and they have been inseparable ever since. Slowly but surely Billy has transformed Fraser's life.
Fraser's mother Louise has watched her son move from being a child prone to anxiety, tantrums and sudden emotional meltdowns to now a much calmer, less moody four-year-old whose future looks a lot brighter.
In their home on the Balmoral Estate, Billy acts as Fraser's guardian - never leaving his side at mealtimes and bedtimes or whenever he's feeling low. Their profound bond has immeasurably improved their lives and the family's. And brought them lots of hilarious and touching moments along the way."
Her er forresten en Youtube om Billy og Fraser;


  1. Skjønner godt at du venter på denne, Kristin, den høres bra ut :) Håper du har en fantastisk uke!
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews


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