Ho-ho-ho Holiday Read-a-thon

Takket være bokbloggene Bookshelfery og Caffeinated Book Reviewer, bestemte jeg meg for å bli med på Ho-ho-ho Holiday Read-a-thon.

Jeg kan ikke påstå at jeg har de største målene med denne, men forhåpentligvis får jeg tid (innimellom eksamenslesinga) til å lese disse julerelaterte bøkene;

Letters from Father Christmas av J. R. R. Tolkien
A Gift from Bob av James Bowen
The Tomten and the Fox av Astrid Lindgren


  1. I hope you get to squeeze in at least one holiday read and join the challenges! Good luck on the exams!

  2. I've already finished two (just need to write the review on the second one). :-)

    Just need to check out the challenges.

  3. I keep seeing this book around and I have never heard of it. I confess: I've never read Tolkien, so this would be awesome to pick up for me.

    1. Letters from Father Christmas is an easy book to begin with if you want to read Tolkien, at least it's not equally daunting as The Lord of the Rings. :-)


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