Book Blogger Hop; Department Store Vs. Bookstore

It's Friday, which means it's time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, thanks to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "What's your immediate feeling when entering a bookstore, as compared to how you feel when entering a department store?".
Those who knows me well enough knows that for me, bookstores are among my happy places. One of my favourite bookstores happen to be a secondhand bookstore called Løvås and is situated in Stavanger. It's almost like being on a treasure hunt and I ALWAYS find something to buy.

By the way, here's a few Twitter posts that sums up how I feel about bookstores in general.


  1. I love shopping for second hand books. You can find some real treasures that way.

    Have a wonderful weekend. - Katie

    1. Secondhand bookstores are almost a bit like a treasure hunt really. :-)

      Have a nice weekend you too.

  2. Yes to all of these!!!

    Have a great week!

    1. Good to see I'm not the only one. :-)

      Have a great week you too.


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