Omtale; It Could Happen av Mia Kerick

Takket være YA Bound Book Tours fikk jeg muligheten til å lese It Could Happen av Mia Kerick, som forøvrig passet til LGBTQIA Reading Challenge, og nå kommer omtalen.

Beskrivelse fra Goodreads
Three misfits, mismatched in every way—Henry Perkins, Brody Decker, and Danny Denisco—have been friends throughout high school. Now in their senior year, the boys realize their relationship is changing, that they’re falling in love. But they face opposition at every turn—from outside and from within themselves. Moving to the next level will take all the courage, understanding, and commitment they can muster. But it could happen.

Henry is a star athlete and the son of religious parents who have little concern for the future he wants. Brody is a quirky dreamer and adrenaline junkie, and Danny is an emo artist and the target of bullies. Despite their differences they’ve always had each other’s backs, and with each of them facing a new and unique set of challenges, that support is more important than ever. Is it worth risking the friendship they all depend on for the physical and romantic relationship they all desire?
In this unconventional new adult romance, three gay teens brave societal backlash—as well as the chance that they might lose their treasured friendship—to embark on a committed polyamorous relationship.

Mine tanker om boka
Personlig likte jeg boka, selv om det var noen karakterer som var litt vel overfladiske, som f.eks. Henry sine foreldre og de homofobe sportsidiotene. Om ikke annet illustrerer boka noen av utfordringene skrive personer kan ha.

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