Wishlist Wednesday; Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism av Arthur og Carly Fleischmann
Siden det er onsdag igjen, tenkte jeg at det kanskje var
på tide med nok et Wishlist Wednesday innlegg, takket være bloggen Pen to Paper. Boka jeg skal ta for meg denne uka, er Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through
Autism av Arthur og Carly Fleischmann.
I en alder av to, ble Carly diagnosert med alvorlig
autisme og legene trodde hun aldri ville utvikle seg lengre enn til å ha evnene
til en liten unge. Carly var hovedsakelig ”unåelig” i flere år, frem til hun
var rundt ti, da det kom et gjennombrudd med at hun var i stand til å skrive
med dataen at hun hadde vondt i tennene.
Selv om hun per i dag fremdeles har problemer med
autismesymptomene, er hun i stand til å ha samtaler med andre personer gjennom
å bruke datamaskinen som talerør.
English version;
English version;
Since it is Wednesday again, I thought it was
perhaps time for another ”Wishlist Wednesday” post, thanks to the blog Pen to
Paper. The book I’ll write about this week is ”Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through
Autism” by Arthur and Carly Fleischmann.
Age two, Carly got diagnosed with severe autism
and the doctors thought she would not develop more than having the gifts of a
toddler. Carly was mainly ”un-reachable” for several years until around the age
of ten, when a breakthrough came with her being capable of writing with the
computer she had pains in her teeth.
Even though
she as for today still has difficulties with the symptoms of autism, she is
capable of having conversations with other people, using the computer as a
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