Review; The Haunting of Rookward House by Darcy Coates

As Darcy Coates has written plenty of haunted house horror novels, I ended up reading The Haunting of Rookward House and today I'll post my review.

Description from Goodreads
She's always watching...
When Guy finds the deeds to a house in his mother’s attic, it seems like an incredible stroke of luck. Sure, the building hasn’t been inhabited in forty years and vines strangle the age-stained walls, but Guy is convinced he can clean it up and sell it. He’d be crazy to turn down free money. Right?

The house is hours from any other habitation, and Guy can't get phone reception in the old building. He decides to camp there while he does repairs. Surely nothing too bad can happen in the space of a week.

But there’s a reason no one lives in Rookward House, and the dilapidated rooms aren’t as empty as they seem…

A deranged woman tormented a family in Rookward forty years before. Now her ghost clings to the building like rot. She’s bitter, obsessive, and jealous… and once Guy has moved into her house, she has no intention of ever letting him leave.

My Thoughts on the Book
Although The Haunting of Rookward House is an atmospheric and creepy read, I felt it was one of the weaker books I've read by Darcy Coates. I'm not saying it's a bad book, but compared to the others I've read, it's not as good. I also wish there were a bit more about the 1960's story in this book. That said, it's still a fairly good read though, with the mentioned creepy atmosphere.


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