A Much Needed Break From Book Blogging

I've been going back and forth for over a year whether or not to keep blogging or to quit/taking a break, and at last I've reached the point where I feel I need a much needed break from it all.

I'm doing it in part due to the fact that a lot of readers in general go to either Goodreads or Amazon for book reviews and/or social media such as Instagram or TikTok for bookish inspiration in general, and I've to a certain extent lost readers because of it.

Another major aspect for the break is the fact that reading and book blogging has turned into such a chore that I despise reading at this point and I'm almost tempted to burn my gigantic book collection (don't worry, I haven't lost all my marbles quite yet, so fear not).

Hopefully in time, I'll get my joy of reading back and in the meantime I'll lay this blog to rest. I may come back to book blogging or I'll quit entirely, but time will tell. No matter what, it's no small feat managing a blog for ten and a half years. You can still find me on Instagram and Goodreads though, and I might occasionally give an update on my (potential) reading there. On Instagram, I might even give an occasional book recommendation.


  1. Det gjorde jeg i hele fjor, med kun 5 omtaler i begynnelsen av året. Det gjorde godt. Vet ennå ikke om jeg er tilbake, men har ihvertfall startet året optimistisk. Det viktigste er å ikke miste lesegnisten! Ha et laid-back 2023. Og plutselig... :-)

    1. "Godt" at jeg ikke er den eneste som har kjent behovet for pause. Av og til trengs det, for at vi ikke ødelegger oss helt. :-)


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