
Review; Scottish Ghosts by Lily Seafield

Alright, I have a confession to make. I purchased the book Scottish Ghosts by Lily Seafield on my last trip to Scotland back in 2002 and it's been sitting in a shelf ever since. So I finally got my act together and read it, which means it's time to review it. Description from Goodreads Scotland's folklore is rich and varied, with stories passed from generation to generation to generation. This vibrant storytelling tradition is captured in Scottish Ghosts with tales of spectres past and present from all over Scotland, sometimes in the most unlikely of settings. Fairies, white ladies, tortured souls, poltergeists, malevolent phantoms, hideous creatures - Scotland has them all, ready for those who are willing to hear them, see them or sense their presence. There are tales of sightings that convinced the most sceptical of unbelievers. Whether they are the products of over-fertile imaginations, the desire to keep the memory of a colourful character alive, the simple wish to spi

Top Five Wednesday; Set In School

It's Wednesday and time for another Top Five Wednesday post courtesy of the  Top Five Wednesday Goodreads group . Today's theme was originally boarding schools, but as I couldn't find enough books to fit the theme, I decided to go with set in school instead, just to have enough books. Here's five spooky books to fit the theme. Blood Born by Renee Lake Description from Goodreads Maddie is excited about the new adventures college life will bring. She dreams of rallies, weird roommates and exciting courses of study. She's living with her girlfriend and making new interesting friends while watching out for her terminally ill brother. What she doesn't expect is mystery, tragedy, and heartbreak to befall her within the first semester. Is there a monster preying upon the people at her college? Will she betray her friends and succumb to temptation? Can they band together and fight the darkness? Or is the darkness that surrounds her not the enemy...but her only ally? Tr

Book Tag: Spooky Scary Book Tag

Alright, as it is October, I thought it would only be fair I did a few book tags. I came across the Spooky Scary Book Tag over at Howling Libraries and decided I wanted to do that one. 1. What goes bump in the night? Name a book that has legitimately scared you while reading it. I can't say I've ever been scared while reading a book, but The Woman in Black by Susan Hill is a good book for those who's into atmospheric ghost stories. 2. Jack O’ Lanterns and Classic Costumes: A book you always reach for during Halloween time. I rarely re-read novels, but I'm tempted to do that with The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova 3. Black Cats and Magic Mirrors: A book you love that is laced with superstition and/or magic. The Whitby Witches by Robin Jarvis 4. Witch’s Brew: Favorite witch character in any book/series. I really liked Natalia Avramov in Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper 5. Ghouls and Ghosts: A book that still haunts you to this day (good or bad). Bluebeard's Cast

Review; Bluebeard's Castle by Anna Biller

A little while ago, I read the gothic novel Bluebeard's Castle by Anna Biller and today I'll post my review of the book. Description from Goodreads A subversive take on the famous French fairy tale from the acclaimed director of The Love Witch, and for fans of Jane Eyre When the successful British mystery writer Judith meets Gavin, a handsome and charming baron, at a birthday party on the Cornish coast, his love transforms her from a bitter, lonely young woman into a romance heroine overnight. After a whirlwind honeymoon in Paris, he whisks her away to a secluded Gothic castle. But soon she finds herself trapped in a nightmare, as her husband’s mysterious nature, and his alternation between charm and violence, become increasingly frightening. As Judith battles both internal and external demons, including sexual ambivalence, psychological self-torture, gaslighting, family neglect, alcoholism, and domestic abuse, she becomes increasingly addicted to her wild beast of a husband.

Review; Halloween - A Collection of Short Stories by Matt Shaw

Earlier this year, I read Halloween - A Collection of Short Stories by Matt Shaw and today I'll post my review of the book. Description from Goodreads October 31st. Halloween. A group of teenagers meet up in the woods, ready to tell camp-stories to a fellow (new) classmate. By the end of the night, the listening classmate has to decide which of the stories she has heard is "real", as opposed to just made up to try and scare her. The problem is, in this cruel world we live in, the "real" story really could be any of them... Is she prepared for the truth? Halloween is A collection of short stories, tied together with a central storyline. My Thoughts on the Book Halloween was a short and really fun read, especially if you've ever read other books by Matt Shaw (spoiler - the stories told in this book can be found in Shaw's other books). If you like gory, twisted, and dark tales, feel free to pick up this one,

Weekend Cooking; English Rolls from Food To Die For

As I've got a few spooky cookbooks of sorts, I decided I wanted to try a few of the recipes in those books. The blog  The Intrepid Reader and Baker  hosts this weekly meme called Weekend Cooking, so why not write a few blog posts that combine spookiness and cooking/baking? Anyway, a recipe I tried earlier this week was English Rolls from the cookbook Food To Die For by Amy Bruni (some of you might have seen here on the TV show Kindred Spirits). The book is all about haunted locations in the US, combined with history and recipes that is either inspired by the location or has some sort of ties to it. The English rolls I made, ties up with the Jennie Wade house in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The recipe was easy enough to follow, even if I had to use Google to figure out what a stick of butter is measurement-wise in grams, and do a Fahrenheit to Celsius calculation as I'm a Norwegian living in Norway and we use the metric system and Celsius, but it worked out anyway. The end result w

Book Blogger Hop; Book To Celebrate Halloween

It's perhaps time for yet another Book Blogger Hop post courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer  and today's question was " Do you have a favorite book or author that you turn to every October to celebrate Halloween? ". Book Blogger Hop Although I obviously read horror and paranormal books all year around, I amp it up a bit more during the autumn, especially around Halloween, but I don't have any particular authors or books that I turn to every October. I can't deny I love a good book with the haunted house trope though.