Review; Brother by Ania Ahlborn

At long last I've read psychological thriller/horror novel Brother by Ania Ahlborn and today I'll post my review of the book.

Description from Goodreads
Brother follows a teenager determined to break from his family’s unconventional—and deeply disturbing—traditions.

Deep in the heart of Appalachia stands a crooked farmhouse miles from any road. The Morrows keep to themselves, and it’s served them well so far. When girls go missing off the side of the highway, the cops don’t knock on their door. Which is a good thing, seeing as to what’s buried in the Morrows’ backyard.

But nineteen-year-old Michael Morrow isn’t like the rest of his family. He doesn’t take pleasure in the screams that echo through the trees. Michael pines for normalcy, and he’s sure that someday he’ll see the world beyond West Virginia. When he meets Alice, a pretty girl working at a record shop in the small nearby town of Dahlia, he’s immediately smitten. For a moment, he nearly forgets about the monster he’s become. But his brother, Rebel, is all too eager to remind Michael of his place…

My Thoughts on the Book
Well, I think it's fair to say Brother is a messed up book and not for the faint of heart to put it mildly. One can feel a bit for Michael, as all he wants is to get away from all the crap that's happening around him. The characters are overall well written, I enjoyed the author's writing style, and there's a few twists and turns in the plot to make things more interesting.

Overall Brother is a book worth reading, especially if you're into books that may or may not have Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes, only set in Appalachia.


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