Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; Favourite Things to do in the Spring

It's Wednesday yet again and it's time for a new Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, courtesy of Long and Short Reviews. The theme of the week was favourite things to do in the spring.

Apart from obvious of reading books, I love to do some nature photography when things start to grow and/or get a bit greener. I have a Canon DSLR that I purchased way back in 2007, which I'm pretty happy to use. I sometimes also write seasonal bucket lists of what I want to accomplish/do that particular season, though I haven't written one for this spring yet. By the way, if you want some inspiration for a spring bucket list, feel free to check out this blog post from Uncustomary, which is a friend of mine. She has a really cool and colourful blog in general, so please check it out.


  1. Photography was on my list, too! And that link was fun.

    My post:

    1. It seems like a lot of people mentioned photography. And yeah, that link was fun. :-)

  2. I love photography. This year my goal is to take some of the Tot's senior pictures. Great post.

    1. I hope you'll manage to take some of his senior pictures. :-)

  3. I love taking pictures... and am pretty good with it. Just for fun though. Was not familiar with a "spring bucket list"...great ideas there!

    1. Taking photos is so much fun and there's plenty of activities on the spring bucket list post.

  4. Oh, how wonderful! My husband loves to visit the nature reserve nearby. He takes the photos and I journal about them. Thanks for sharing the other blog post. All the best!

  5. Photography is one my hubby and mine. Springs flowers and landscapes are so uplifting after a LONG SNOWY winter. LOL Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. I'll be checking out your friends blog. Here's mine.

    1. Photography is fun, isn't it? :-) And feel free to check out Mary's blog.

  6. I wrote a little bit on my post this week about my graveyard photography hobby. My 14 year-old is becoming more of a nature photographer. He loves flowers. Last year, he took my camera and snapped a several very nice pictures of the few plants in our yard. And whenever we go for walks, he'll take photos along the way.

    1. I totally forgot how much fun it is to do graveyard photography. I kind of miss doing it.

  7. I'm not a photographer, but my husband is. I use a lot of his photos from our camping trips around my blog. Looking at them helps me to remember how much fun it is to be camping up there, and how peaceful and centered , at one with nature, that we feel when we're out there. Can't wait for this to pass, so we can plan some camping trips again.

    1. I hope you'll have some fun camping trips again. At least now you've got the time to plan a perfect one. :-)

  8. Thanks so much for sharing that link. That was a fab list!


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