Announcing the Easter Crime Readathon

Early next month, it's Easter. In Norway, Easter often means watching crime shows on TV or reading crime novels. It's even a tradition called Easter Crime (more about it here, for those of you who's a bit curious).

With Easter and crime novels in the back of my mind, I wanted to create a laid back and hopefully fun readathon. From today and until April 14th will be a Easter Crime Readathon. You can read crime, mystery, thriller, non-fiction about crime, whatever floats your boat, as long as it's something in the line of those genres (or similar). Audio, e-book, phyiscal books, graphic novels, I'm not going to stop you. I want this to be a fun readathon without any pressure. You can read one book, you can read a double digit number of books. As I said, I want it to be fun.

Also, feel free to use the tag #TrykksverteEasterReadathon2020 on Instagram if you want to to show off what you're reading.


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