Top Ten Tuesday, Ten Signs I'm A Book Lover

It's Tuesday and time for yet another Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week was ten signs you're a bookworm.

Here's my list;
  • I write this book blog.
  • I majored in English at university.
  • I've been nicknamed a bookdragon. Dragons hoard treasures. Mine just happens to be books.
  • I dream of having a library room when I live a place with enough space to do it.
  • I believe there is no such thing as too many books, just not enough bookshelves nor time to read.
  • I can easily finish a book in a day.
  • I've lost count on how many books and bookmarks I've got.
  • My perfect Friday/Saturday night includes a good book, a blanket, candles, some kind of beverage (coffee, tea or hot chocolate) and some yummy food. Too bad I lost my cat last year, otherwise I would add having a cat on my lap.
  • I'm a frequent user of the library.
  • I love bookish merchandise, such as candles, totebags etc.


  1. I can easily finish a book a day, too.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. Bookdragon is such a cool nickname.

    And I'm sorry to hear that your cat died. Reading while cuddling a cat sounds wonderful.

    My TTT .

    1. Thank you. I'm not going to deny I miss my little reading buddy.

  3. Book dragon is so true., and there is never enough time.

  4. I definitely dream of having my own library room when I actually have my own place!
    My TTT:

    1. A library room is almost a "must" for us bookworms. :-)

  5. I'm also a frequent user of the library, and my perfect weekend includes a good book, candles, and a hot cup of tea (or hot chocolate!) Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

    1. Libraries, and weekends that includes books, candles and tea/hot chocolate for the win.


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