Omtale; Blue's Prophecy av Emily Rose Ross

Takket være YA Bound Book Tours fikk jeg muligheten til å lese Blue's Prophecy (The Canis Chronicles #1) av Emily Rose Ross, og nå kommer omtalen av boka.

Beskrivelse fra Goodreads
Two genetically altered dogs, two different fates. One is Robo, a beloved Great Dane, who is tricked out of the embrace of his human family and then is horribly altered by an evil scientist who rebuilds him with robotic parts, weaponizing the dog for money from the military. But that s not all the scientist does the experiments he conducts leave Robo a genius, almost immortal and with powers beyond explanation. But the horror Robo experiences at the scientist's hands changes him driving him insane with the sole mission to destroy all humans, especially those who have tortured and hurt dogs.

Meanwhile, a scrappy alley husky sits in a shelter, when she with her blue eyes and tough wolf-like features captures the attention of another group of scientists desperate to stop Robo from his path of destruction. This dog, called Blue, could be the chosen one to fight and defeat Robo. She is also genetically enhanced and left with glowing turquoise eyes before being released to face Robo s vicious dog army. Her mission: save human civilization and the packs of dogs she's grown to love.

Mine tanker om boka
Tatt i betraktning at jeg liker hunder, var det ikke vanskelig å like boka. I tillegg stiller boka spørsmål om all teknologiske og vitenskapelige nyvinninger er "fremskritt".

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