Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; Recipes From My Country

It's Wednesday again and time for a new Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge post, courtesy of Long and Short Reviews. The theme of the week was recipes from my city/state/country.

As I live in Norway, I figured out I'll give you a couple of links to a couple of recipes, which is Norwegian Fish Cakes and Komle. Both of them are from the Thanks for the Food blog, where you can find even more Norwegian-inspired recipes if you're interested. The blogger has even published a cook book.

At least I had common sense enough to NOT link to a recipe for the slightly "evil" thing called Smalahåve, which is basically roasted sheep head. Thanks, but no thanks. I would prefer haggis from Scotland, as with haggis, at least the food isn't staring back at me while I eat it.


  1. I'd have a hard time eating something looking back at me too. I thought haggis was a little gross until I found out what they put into hot dogs and bologna.

    1. Considering what goes into hot dogs and such, haggis isn't too bad. :-)

  2. Thanks for the links. We have a place on the coast, so I'm really interested in checking out the fish cakes recipe! My post is here if you want to stop by:

    1. Fish cakes are a tasty dinner, so feel free to check it out.

  3. I couldn't eat anything that's looking at me. Thanks for the other suggestions. :-)

  4. Komie and fish cakes sound delicious! But I don't think I could eat something that was staring back at me either. :)

    My <a href="”>post</a>

    1. I think there's a lot of people who wouldn't like to eat something that's staring back at us.

  5. Thanks for the links! Yeah I have to agree with you couldn't eat anything looking at me. LOL Here'' mine.

    1. Yeah, there is something a bit disturbing about something looking back at you. :-P

  6. Mmmm... fish cakes... I don't have a good recipe yet, so I'll definitely check out the one you shared. Thank you!

  7. I like the sound of those. Not so much the sheep's head, though.

    1. If it's to any comfort, even a lot of Norwegians stay clear of the sheep's head. :-P


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