
Showing posts from November, 2019

Review; Nocturnal by Lindsay O'Connell/Wilderpoetry

(This post contains an affiliate link.) Last year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC through Netgalley of the poetry collection  Nocturnal by Lindsay O'Connell/Wilderpoetry and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads The poems of Nocturnal—newly revised and expanded—are constellations to guide those on a journey of healing and self-discovery, no matter how dark the night. From @wilderpoetry comes a heavily expanded revised edition of Nocturnal, a collection of poetry and beautifully illustrated black-and-white imagery inspired by darkened days and sleepless nights. Poetry meets presentation in each of the four sections ("Dusk," "Northern Lights," "Howl," "Lucid Dreams,"), which trace the author's continuing journey of self-discovery while illuminating a path for others along the way. Ink stains, landscapes, dreamlike animals, blackened pages, and textured spreads create a multifaceted reading experience. ...

Review; In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive by Clementine von Radics

A while ago I was lucky enough to recieve an ARC of the poetry collection In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive by Clementine von Radics through Netgalley. I've recently read it and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads A lyrical poet, Clementine von Radics presents In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive, a collection of brutally honest poetry that lends itself to the powerful anthem of survival. This collection bravely explores life at its darkest and most inspiring moments—drawing on central themes of love, loss, mental health, and abuse. An attempt to understand and to be understood, In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive is an ode to vulnerability that delivers concentrated, thought-provoking, and earnest verse. My Thoughts on the Book It's an interesting and sometimes raw poetry collection about mental health, love, loss and other topics. Even though I enjoyed some poems more than others, I would recommend this collection.

Review; Prologue to Murder by Lauren Elliot

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cosy mystery Prologue to Murder by Lauren Elliot through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards, but I haven't published my review until now. Description from Goodreads After a career working with rare books at the Boston Public Library, Addie Greyborne is back in her seaside New England hometown--where unfortunately, murder is not so rare . . . Gossip columnists love a bold-faced name--but "Miss Newsy" at Greyborne Harbor's local paper seems to specialize in bald-faced lies. She's pointed a finger of suspicion at Addie after librarian June Winslow never makes it home from a book club meeting. And when June's found at the bottom of a steep flight of stairs, Addie's not only dealing with a busybody, but a dead body. It's a good thing the guy she's dating is the police chief. But both the case and her love life get more complicated when a lanky blonde reporter from Los Angele...

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, Books That Influenced My Life

It's Wednesday and time for a new Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge post, courtesy of  Long and Short Reviews . The topic of the week was books that influenced my life. I'm sure I could list a bunch of books, but I will focus on just three books for the sake of not going overboard. Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block was my go-to book in my teenage years, as it gave acceptance for being different and bisexual. The Street Food Secret by Kenny McGovern influenced me to research ethnic foods and giving myself the goal of trying to make a dish from every country in the world (similar to my world literature project, just with food instead). Odd One Out - The Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD by Jennifer Koretsky made it a lot easier to deal with my ADD.

Omtale; Det ble natt i Caracas av Karina Sainz Borgo

For noen måneder siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av romanen Det ble natt i Caracas av Karina Sainz Borgo. Siden forfatteren opprinnelig er fra Venezuela, fikk jeg da muligheten til å krysse av nok et land i "land i verden"-prosjektet mitt. I dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Med gripende intensitet skildrer "Det ble natt i Caracas" en kvinnes desperate kamp for å overleve i dagens Venezuela. I Caracas står Adelaida Falcon ved en åpen grav. Her gravlegger hun sin mor, den eneste familien hun noen gang har hatt. Adelaidas tilværelse er rasert, for samtidig som moren har blitt syk og gått bort, er samfunnet rund i ferd med å gå i total oppløsning. Brutale bander råder, og snart blir hjemmet hennes okkupert. Adelaida kastes for alvor ut i kampen for overlevelse i et land der vold og anarki råder, og der innbyggerne blir satt opp mot hverandre. Men skjebnen gir henne et grusomt valg - en mulighet til å unnslippe...

Review; This Wound Is a World by Billy-Ray Belcourt

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve a press copy of the poetry collection This Wound Is a World by Billy-Ray Belcourt through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads The new edition of a prize-winning memoir-in-poems, a meditation on life as a queer Indigenous man—available for the first time in the U.S. “i am one of those hopeless romantics who wants every blowjob to be transformative.” Billy-Ray Belcourt’s debut poetry collection, This Wound Is a World, is “a prayer against breaking,” writes trans Anishinaabe and Métis poet Gwen Benaway. “By way of an expansive poetic grace, Belcourt merges a soft beauty with the hardness of colonization to shape a love song that dances Indigenous bodies back into being. This book is what we’ve been waiting for.” Part manifesto, part memoir, This Wound Is a World is an invitation to “cut a hole in the sky to world inside.” Belcourt issues a call to turn to love and...

Omtale; En seksti under alt om dødsfall, likhenting, forråtnelse og en begravelsesagents liv av Tor-Håkon Gabriel Håvardsen

For en liten stund siden lånte jeg boka En seksti under alt om dødsfall, likhenting, forråtnelse og en begravelsesagents liv av Tor-Håkon Gabriel Håvardsen på biblioteket. Jeg leste den rett etterpå og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Alle ender en dag en seksti under. Men hva skjer med den døde kroppen fra det øyeblikket vi dør til vi faktisk ligger i graven? Og hvordan er livet når du jobber med døden som yrke? Det høres kanskje deprimerende og forstyrrende ut å skulle lese om det. Men det er det ikke, tvert imot. Livet i begravelsesbyrået er ukonvensjonelt og til tider makabert, men døden er også livsviktig, og berører oss alle. Med sjarm, brutale detaljer, medmenneskelighet og fagkunnskap, gir Tor-Håkon Gabriel Håvardsen deg innblikk i gravferdsskikk og bisarre opplevelser, og svarene på spørsmål som: Hvilke tegn viser at man har blitt kvalt til døde? Hva skjer om du dør på ferie i syden? Hvordan ser et dødt menneske ut etter å ha ligget i havet? Hvor...

Omtale; Et uanselig støv av Paal Maage Elstad

For en liten stund siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av diktsamlinga Et uanselig støv av Paal Maage Elstad fra forlaget. Jeg leste den kort tid etterpå og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget «en årstid vi kastet klærne på oppfordringen fra asketrærne som felte blader i en brente jords taktikk for ikke å etterlate noe til vintertankene og søkte inn mot det innerste av hverandres kroppsvarme av yttertøy og undertøy og muskler og sener og slikket knoklene rene for ikke å overlate noe til depresjonen til de tomme hagene i januar i en meditativ tilstand i en ren hodeskalle ingen arkeologs pensel kan børste frem den varmen igjen» Paal Maage Elstad (f. 1990) bor i Bergen. Han debuterte i 2015 med diktsamlingen Kun en liten del av universet, som ble nominert til Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris. I 2017 kom diktsamlingen Lysmøkk. Elstad ble tildelt Bokhandelens forfatterstipend i 2018. Mine tanker om boka Det var mange bra skrevet og f...

Review; The Little Book of Bob: Life Lessons from a Street-wise Cat by James Bowen

As I've read several of the other books about Bob and James, I couldn't resist The Little Book of Bob: Life Lessons from a Street-wise Cat by James Bowen. I recieved it through Netgalley and read it shortly afterwards. Today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads From the New York Times bestselling author of A Street Cat Named Bob comes an uplifting book of wisdom and advice from the most street-savvy cat of them all. In spring of 2007, street busker James Bowen found an injured orange tabby in the hallway of his shelter home in North London. Their friendship changed both of their lives and led to the internationally bestselling book A Street Cat Named Bob. But fame hasn't gone to James or Bob's heads. In Bob, James found a model for friendship, steadfastness, balance, and joy that we can all apply to our own lives. The Little Book of Bob is a heartfelt and wholesome book about how to be kinder to ourselves and kinder to the world around us. Cats are a...

Review; The Little Women Cookbook: Tempting Recipes from the March Sisters and Their Friends and Family by Wini Moranville

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of The Little Women Cookbook: Tempting Recipes from the March Sisters and Their Friends and Family by Wini Moranville through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Experience the exciting and heartwarming world of the March sisters and Little Women right in your own kitchen. Here at last is the first cookbook to celebrate the scrumptious and comforting foods that play a prominent role in Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel Little Women. If your family includes a Little Women fan, or if you yourself are one, with this book you can keep the magic and wonder of the beloved tale alive for years to come. Do you wonder what makes the characters so excited to make—and eat!—sweets and desserts like the exotically named Blancmange or the mysterious Bonbons with Mottoes, along with favorites like Apple Turnovers, Plum Pudding, and Gingerbread Cake? Find out for yourself w...

Omtale; Fattig student av Karen Elene Thorsen

Siden jeg tross alt har fulgt Instagram-kontoen  Fattig student , endte jeg opp med å låne kokeboka på biblioteket for en liten stund siden. Jeg leste i den kort tid etterpå, måtte helst det siden det var kortlån på grunn av alle reservasjonene boka hadde fått, og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Den perfekte kokeboken for deg som vil spise sunt og spare penger samtidig! Hva gjør man hvis man er student og har mer lyst til å bruke penger på å være sosial enn på husleie og mat? Karen Elene Thorsen tok utfordringen på alvor og oppdaget fort at det var mye å spare på matbudsjettet ved å skrive handlelister, eksperimentere med billige basisingredienser og planlegge for en uke om gangen. Resultatet: halverte matutgifter, variert kosthold - og null matsvinn! På den superpopulære instagramkontoen @FATTIG.STUDENT begynte Karen å dele ukemenyer med handlelister og oppskrifter. Hun fikk umiddelbar respons og har nå en hærskare engasjerte følgere som lager mat på budsjett. ...

Top Ten Tuesday; Changes In My Reading Life

It's Tuesday yet again and time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of  That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was changes in my reading life. Here's my list; Using Netgalley so I can read lots of fun new releases in English Going down the rabbit hole of cosy mysteries and loving it Being more aware of diversity and trying to read and review some books on my blog in regards to that The last few months I've basically read one book a day I've actually read a few contemporary romances (not quite won over yet, though) The more recent years I've loved doing reading challenges Doing some themed reading some months for the blog I've considered stopping reviewing ARC's/press copies recently due to the new rules for Norwegian book bloggers (we're supposed to mark reviews with books recieved from publishers as "ads", even if we recieved the book for free) Realizing that I have 200+ books on my TBR shelves and that shou...

Review, The Whistle Stop Canteen by Barb Warner Deane

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the historical novel The Whistle Stop Canteen by Barb Warner Deane through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Netgalley A wartime train station encounter changes a lifetime...After losing her fiancé in WW1, Margaret Parker settled into a quiet, lonely life as the town librarian in North Platte, NE. After the US enters WW2, Margaret volunteers as the historian for the Servicemen’s Canteen organized by the women of North Platte. When Captain Tom Carver strolls into the Canteen, he’s immediately drawn to Maggie and works hard to woo her, via letters, as he heads off to war. While reluctantly falling in love long-distance, Maggie also opens her heart to the teen-aged girl she supervises and the townswomen working beside her, while fearing for the lives of the servicemen and women she meets at the Canteen. When Tom springs a surprise on her, and then winds up MIA, Magg...

Review; The Stationmaster’s Daughter by Kathleen McGurl

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the historical novel The Stationmaster’s Daughter by Kathleen McGurl through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Netgalley Dorset, 1935. Stationmaster Ted has never cared much for romance. Occupied with ensuring England’s most beautiful railway runs on time, love has always felt like a comparatively trivial matter. Yet when he meets Annie Galbraith on the 8.42 train to Lynford, he can’t help but instantly fall for her. But when the railway is forced to close and a terrible accident occurs within the station grounds, Ted finds his job and any hope of a relationship with Annie hanging in the balance… Present day. Recovering from heartbreak after a disastrous marriage, Tilly decides to escape from the bustling capital and move to Dorset to stay with her dad, Ken. When Ken convinces Tilly to help with the restoration of the old railway, she discovers a diary hidd...

Omtale; Otto Ruge - hærføreren av Tom Kristiansen

I jakten på norsk faglitteratur, endte jeg opp med å låne Otto Ruge - hærføreren av Tom Kristiansen på biblioteket og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Det tyske angrepet 9. april 1940 skapte kaos i både den politiske og den militære ledelsen i Norge. Under et ampert møte med justisminister Terje Wold 10. april tok kommanderende general Kristian Laake til orde for forhandlinger med tyskerne. Dette ble oppfattet som defaitisme og førte til Laakes avskjed. Dagen etter ble Otto Ruge utnevnt til ny sjef for landets militærmakt i krig. Stillingen stilte ekstreme krav til militært håndverk og diplomati, og framfor alt til synlig lederskap i et land i bunnløs krise - krav som Ruge oppfylte til gagns. Mot alle odds og tross sviktende bistand fra de allierte lyktes det å holde en overlegen fiende stangen i to måneder. Deretter dro kongen, kronprinsen og regjeringen i eksil, mens general Ruge - frivillig - gikk i krigsfangenskap. Dette er den første biografien ov...

Review; Remembering the Dead: A Penny Brannigan Mystery by Elizabeth J. Duncan

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cosy mystery Remembering the Dead: A Penny Brannigan Mystery by Elizabeth J. Duncan through Netgalley. I red it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads In award-winning author Elizabeth J. Duncan's tenth Penny Brannigan mystery, Welsh amateur sleuth Penny Brannigan attends a dinner party at a posh country house--where a historic chair disappears and a waiter is murdered. Artist and spa owner Penny Brannigan is dressed to the nines for a formal dinner at a charming country house. After dinner, the guests adjourn to the library for a private exhibition of the Black Chair, a precious piece of Welsh literary history awarded in 1917 to poet Hedd Wyn. But to the guests' shock, the newly restored bardic chair is missing. And then Penny discovers the rain-soaked body of a waiter. When Penny learns that the victim was the nephew of one of her employees, she is determined t...

Omtale; Sauebonden Heida av Steinunn Sigurdardottir

For noen måneder siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av biografien Sauebonden Heida av Steinunn Sigurdardottir fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Sauebonden Heida, den inspirerende historien om en islandsk sauebonde, har blitt en internasjonal bestselger, og har vunnet både den islandske bokhandlerprisen og Kvinnenes litteraturpris på Island. Heida er en enslig bonde med en saueflokk som består av fem hundre dyr, i et ugjestmildt område som grenser til Islands høyland. Området er så øde at det blir kalt «Verdens ende». En av de nærmeste naboene er Islands mest beryktede vulkan, Katla. Helt siden folk bosatte seg der for å drive gårdsdrift på 1100-tallet har den med jevne mellomrom drevet Ljótarstadirs innbyggere på flukt. Det er et annerledes gjeterliv, der man må være på vakt mot farer som jordskjelv og isbreer, eller hente de siste sauene ned fra de høyeste fjellsidene med firehjuling før ...

Review; Who Stole the Hazelnuts? by Marcus Pfister

Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the picture book Who Stole the Hazelnuts? by Marcus Pfister through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads A new book from the author of the bestselling Rainbow Fish series! The peace and quiet of the forest are shattered by a scream. Someone has stolen the squirrel’s three hazelnuts! Who could have committed such a terrible crime? The squirrel begins his investigation, and no one is above suspicion. My Thoughts on the Book This is a charming book that I think kids would enjoy and I loved those whimsical watercolour illustrations.

Review; The Trouble with Talent by Kathy Krevat

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cosy mystery The Trouble with Talent by Kathy Krevat through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Netgalley Single mom Colbie Summers has a lot to be grateful for in the run up to Thanksgiving. Relocating back to her California hometown has brought her irascible dad and adolescent son closer. Her gourmet cat food line—vetted by her trusty taste-tester, Trouble—is about to get a big re-order. And she’s made wonderful new friends and colleagues. Too bad one them has just been accused of murder . . . Sunnyside’s most gifted students have been at the mercy of a shadowy network of college fixers—including an abusive oboe teacher whose recommendation is necessary to get into Julliard and a school secretary who alters grades for cash. When they turn up dead, Colbie has to untangle a cat’s cradle of suspects and motivations—from livid parents and students whose dream...

Review; Pride, Prejudice and Poison (A Jane Austen Society Mystery #1) by Elizabeth Blake

Earlier this year I recieved an ARC of the cosy mystery Pride, Prejudice and Poison (A Jane Austen Society Mystery #1) by Elizabeth Blake through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Perfect for fans of Laura Levine and Stephanie Barron, Elizabeth Blake’s Jane Austen Society mystery debut is a mirthfully morbid merger of manners and murder. In this Austen-tatious debut, antiquarian bookstore proprietor Erin Coleridge uses her sense and sensibility to deduce who killed the president of the local Jane Austen Society. Erin Coleridge’s used bookstore in Kirkbymoorside, North Yorkshire, England is a meeting place for the villagers and, in particular, for the local Jane Austen Society. At the Society’s monthly meeting, matters come to a head between the old guard and its young turks. After the meeting breaks for tea, persuasion gives way to murder—with extreme prejudice—when president Sylvia Pemberthy falls dead to the...

Omtale; Arven fra familien Palmisano av Rafel Nadal

Tidligere i år var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av den historiske romanen Arven fra familien Palmisano av Rafel Nadal fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Første verdenskrig raser, og i en liten landsby i Sør-Italia blir det født en gutt og ei jente, med bare noen minutters mellomrom. I skyttergravene på slagmarken har fedrene deres nettopp dødd. Nå er alle mennene i Vitantonios familie døde - alle 21. Alle unntatt Vitantonio. De to barna vokser opp sammen, langt fra krigens redsler. Men moren til Vitantonio vil gjøre alt hun kan for å beskytte sønnen fra den forbannelsen som ser ut til å hvile over slekten - så hun lyver. Det er en løgn som binder Vitantonio og jenta han deler fødselsdag med, sammen. Men når en ny krig truer, kan den drive dem fra hverandre ... Arven fra familien Palmisano er en stor roman om en liten by blant fjellene i Sør-Italia, og to fryktelige verdenskriger og familiebånd ...

Omtale; Elsket og savnet: en gravferdskonsulents betroelser av Anne Marie Brenne og Eva Høydalsvik

For noen måneder siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av boka Elsket og savnet: en gravferdskonsulents betroelser av Anne Marie Brenne og Eva Høydalsvik fra forlaget. Jeg leste den kort tid etter og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Døden handler om de levende. Meningen med livet kan være et vanskelig tema, men en ting er sikkert: Døden kommer til oss alle. Kanskje er det en trøst å vite at dine etterlatte vil bli godt ivaretatt av en gravferdskonsulent. Meg, for eksempel. Mine møter på jobb preges av sorg i mange varianter. Sorg kan være vakkert, men også grusomt. Mennesker uten en fasade, eller filter, mellom følelsene sine og resten av verden blir grenseløse. Jeg har opplevd nydelige møter, preget av gode minner og sterke bånd, men jeg har også opplevd å måtte være fredsmekler, og jeg er blitt utsatt for verbale angrep. Mennesker i sorg har ofte behov for at det er noens skyld. Jeg blir lett tilgjengelig. Men det er ikke m...

Review; Confessions of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell

Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the book Confessions of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell, which is the sequel to Diary of a Bookseller, through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads "Do you have a list of your books, or do I just have to stare at them?" Shaun Bythell is the owner of The Bookshop in Wigtown, Scotland. With more than a mile of shelving, real log fires in the shop and the sea lapping nearby, the shop should be an idyll for bookworms. Unfortunately, Shaun also has to contend with bizarre requests from people who don't understand what a shop is, home invasions during the Wigtown Book Festival and Granny, his neurotic Italian assistant who likes digging for river mud to make poultices. The Diary of a Bookseller (soon to be a major TV series) introduced us to the joys and frustrations of life lived in books. Sardonic and sympathetic in equal measure, Confessions of a...

Review; The Unexpected Past of Miss Jane Austen (The Austen Adventures #2) by Cass Grafton and Ada Bright

Last month I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the novel The Unexpected Past of Miss Jane Austen (The Austen Adventures #2) by Cass Grafton and Ada Bright through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards, as I was keen on figuring out what happened next after reading the first book, and today I'll post my review. Description from Netgalley Rose Wallace thought her time-travelling adventures were over. Jane Austen is about to prove her wrong. After becoming trapped in present-day Bath due to a mishap with her time-travelling charm, Jane Austen is safe and sound back in the 1800s thanks to Rose’s help. Now, Rose is ready to focus on her fledgling romance with dreamy Dr Aiden Trevellyan. But when Jane reappears in the present, it looks like Rose and Aiden have no choice but to follow her back to 1813… Staying in the Austen household, Rose and Aiden are introduced to a number of interesting figures from the past, including Jane’s eccentric – and surprisingly modern – neighb...

Review; Magic Words - From the Ancient Oral Tradition of the Inuit by Edward Field

A while ago I was fortunate enough to recieve a digital press copy of the picture book Magic Words - From the Ancient Oral Tradition of the Inuit by Edward Field through Netgalley. As it fitted into the 2019 Diversity Reading Challenge, I read it and now it's time for the review. Description from Goodreads Magic Words describes a world where humans and animals share bodies and languages, where the world of the imagination mixes easily with the physical. It began as a story that told how the Inuit people came to be and became a legend passed from generation to generation. In translation it grew from myth to poem. The text comes from expedition notes recorded by Danish explorer Knud Rasmussen in 1921. Edward Field got a copy from the Harvard Library and translated it into English. My Thoughts on the Book Magic Words was an enjoyable and whimsical read. In a sense it was the illustrations which made this story come alive, but I wish both the illustrator and the author ...

Top Ten Tuesday; Books That Give Off Autumn Vibes

It's Tuesday again and time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of  That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was books that give off autumn vibes. Here's my picks; The Mint Julep Murders by Angie Fox Crypt Suzette by Maya Corrigan Fudge Bites by Nancy Coco Autumn Alibi by Jennifer David Hesse Late Checkout by Carol J. Perry The Charm of Lost Chances by Lucia N. Davis to drink coffee with a ghost by Amanda Lovelace The Hocus Pocus Magic Shop by Abigail Drake The Legend of Decimus Croome: A Halloween Carol by Kevin Purdy Small Spaces by Katherine Arden

Review; The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen (Austen Adventures #1) by Ada Bright and Cass Grafton

As I'm a Jane Austen fan, I couldn't resist requesting The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen (Austen Adventures #1) by Ada Bright and Cass Grafton on Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads What would life be like if something had prevented Jane Austen from ever publishing any of her books? Dedicated Janeite, Rose, is about to find out! It’s September, and the city of Bath is playing host to the annual Jane Austen Festival, a celebration of the famous author and her works. Rose Wallace, Bath resident and avid Jane Austen fan, can’t wait for her friends to arrive and the Festival to start, unaware one of the recently arrived guests will turn her life upside down by sharing with her a secret that ultimately puts Jane Austen’s entire literary legacy at risk. With the support of a displaced two hundred year old author and a charmed necklace, can Rose help to bring back some of the most beloved stories of al...

Review; The Immortal Prudence Blackwood by Stephanie Grey

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the novel The Immortal Prudence Blackwood by Stephanie Grey through Netgalley. I read the book shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Justice watches from the shadows in this unique and suspenseful twist on a serial killer manhunt… Throughout history, the world has witnessed cruel, gruesome, and twisted murders at the hands of the most notorious serial killers. For those who were never caught—Jack the Ripper, the Atlanta Ripper, and the Cleveland Torso Murderer—their crimes will live on in infamy as their identities are forever chased, but never revealed. It’s 1947 in Washington, D.C. and a dangerous murderer has boldly discarded two headless bodies nearby the White House and the Jefferson Memorial. With no leads, Detective Clive O’Reilly is feeling desperate. When a stranger convinces O’Reilly to join him at a local pub, he is treated to a wild tale about Prudence Blackwood...

Review; We Are All Greta: Be Inspired to Save the World by Valentina Giannella

As I've read so much about environmentalism and Greta Thunberg, I couldn't resist requesting We Are All Greta: Be Inspired to Save the World by Valentina Giannella on Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Follow in Greta Thunberg's footsteps and join the global mission to save our planet from climate change. With in-depth text and data, this necessary and timely book will answer readers' questions on what climate change means, what its consequences will be, and what must be done to protect our world. My Thoughts on the Book This was an informative and helpful book for those who want to get into environmentalism. It's short, yet one can get some information from it and I really enjoyed the illustrations.

Book Blogger Hop; Do I Read Classics?

It's Friday and time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was "Do you read classics? If so, what is your favourite?". Book Blogger Hop Those who read my answer for last week's Book Blogger Hop question, will probably not be surprised. I love reading classics and my favourite classic is Bram Stoker's Dracula.