Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; Books I Had to Read in School and Didn't Like

It's Wednesday and time for another Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, courtesy of Long and Short Reviews. The topic of the week was books I had to read in school and didn't like.

I had to read a big number of books while majoring in English. I can't remember them all at the moment, but I do remember disliking Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar and The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot.


  1. I only got a few pages into The Mill on the Floss when I tried reading it. You're not alone in your dislike of that book!

    My post.

  2. I've never read either of those, but I'm intrigued enough to check them out. Thanks! Good list.

  3. I've never read those either, but I like the George Elliot's that I have read. I'll have to check this out. And, as a fellow Lit Major, you can check mine out here.

    1. Maybe I've just read the "wrong" book by her. :-)

  4. I've never heard of either of these books, but now I'm curious! I can't imagine what kind of crazy things you had to read as an English major.

    My post

    1. Oh, don't even get me started on all the crazy stuff we had to read. Puritan texts from the 1600's, anyone? :-P

  5. I was an English minor, but taught it at middle and high school. Never heard of either of those books, but A Separate Peace by George Eliot I couldn't get into.

    1. It's impossible to know every title that exists. :-)

  6. I've liked what I've read of George Eliot, but The Mill on the Floss isn't one of the ones that I've read. I'm not familiar with Memoirs of Hadrian at all.

    1. I can't say you miss out on Memoirs of Hadrian.

  7. I never read those, but I gather George Eliot can be hard going.

    1. George Eliot isn't on my fave list or easy to read list, to put it this way.


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