Book Blogger Hop; How Do I Choose the Next Book to Read?

It's Friday and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "How do you choose the next book to read?".
For me, it's a bit of priority. If I have any library books; Netgalley books or books I need to read for a blog tour, I read them first. After I finish them, I read books for readathons. If I'm totally available and don't have any commitments such as blog tours, library books or Netgalley books I need to return or books for readathons, I use my TBR jar.

My method might seem insane to some people, but that's how I do it.


  1. Not insane at all! I've been tempted to do a TBR jar, but I am the kind of person who would pick a title and decide I'm not in the mood for it. Haha Usually if I do a random drawing, I have to limit my choices by genre and only a handful of books I am sure to be okay with in that moment so I won't keep drawing for that next read. Have a great weekend!

    1. Haha, it may have happened that I've done that myself (deciding that I'm not in the mood for a certain book).

  2. I like the idea of a TBR Jar. How do you have yours set up?

    1. I do it as simple as possible for my own sanity. I usually pick books that I want to read within the next three months or so, writing the title and author on a piece of paper.

  3. Great approach! Honestly, it's good to have it organized the way you do. It gets what you *need* to prioritize out of the way. Also, I've always loved the idea of a TBR jar. But do you know what's weird? It never occurs to me to make one. I'm always like, yes, I should totally do that. But then it slips my mind and I never do. H-O-W. Anyways, for real, I agree with your method 100%.

    1. Thanks for the comment. :-) If it is to any comfort, it took me a long time before I actually made my TBR jar, so don't feel bad about it slipping your mind.


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