Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; 8 Things I Wish More Books Talked About

Recently, I discovered the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews and I decided I wanted to join.

The topic of the week was things I wish more books talked about and here is my list (not an exclusive list).

ADD/ADHD in women
Domestic violence
Minorities within a minority (such as LGBT muslims)
Mental illnesses and disorders (and not "just" depression/anxiety)
Intersectional feminism


  1. Welcome! I'm glad you decided to join in.

    You have a great list here. I agree with all of it, especially the minorities within minorities. It's always cool to find books that have those sorts of characters.

    My post.

    1. Thanks. :-) It's rare to find books with minorities within minorities. I think the only book I've read so far is If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan (muslim and LGBT characters in Iran).

  2. Good post. There are so many survivors of domestic violence and rape that it should be in more books. Doesn't have to be glorified or overly detailed, but people have to deal with it. Glad you're joining in!

    1. Rape and domestic violence shouldn't be glorified, but I think it's an important topic. :-)

  3. All good topics that really should get more treatment in books. Welcome aboard!

  4. Very good topics, all. Some would be difficult to deal with, I think, unless that was the actual point of the book but I'm betting we start seeing them in things in the future. Folks seem to be more edgy about things that are maybe a little uncomfortable (I mean, look at how HUGE "Thirteen Reasons Why" was, and not necessarily because it was such an amazing book, but because it took a scary topic and addressed it, front and center and without apology.

    Thanks for joining us this week! We're glad to have you.

    1. I can see that some topics could be difficult dealing with, but I think they deserve some attention nontheless. Like, WW2 and Holocaust is not light and fluffy topics, but there's a bucketload of books about it.

  5. I'd be tempted to read a romance book with a hero that was high functioning autistic. It needs a happily ever after ending though.

    1. A romance with a high functioning autistic with a happy ending is certainly a book that is needed. Autistic people deserve such stories. :-)

  6. Glad you're here. I "copped out" this week because I had a difficult time thinking of any subjects in books didn't and you have some really good ideas.

    1. Sometimes the mind goes blank, so don't worry. :-)

  7. I agree, especially with the minorities within minorities. That would make an interesting book.

    1. Thanks for the comment. :-) The only book I've read so far is If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan.


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