Monthly Summary; December 2018

December is almost over, which means it's time to write a monthly summary of the books I've read this month in addition to my book haul. Even though I'm a book dragon, I ended up recieving just one book for Christmas, believe it or not. Nevertheless, I've both read and got my hands on a variety of books this month.

Books I've Read
Reisen til jordas indre by Jules Verne
En dag i desember by Josie Silver
Boken - en hyllest by Burkhard Spinnen
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
De døde by Christian Kracht
Kuk og hjarta by Heidi-Anett Haugen
Smadra by Brynjulf Jung Tjønn
Kvinnen som ble saget i to by Kari Slaatsveen
Bernard banker på by Ellen Mari Thelle
Djeveldansen by Tore Aurstad and Carina Westberg

Book Haul
Kvinnen som ble saget i to by Kari Slaatsveen (press copy from the publisher)
O jul med din glede - julens fineste fortellinger by Trude Monssen (press copy from the publisher)
Jeg vet ikke helt hva det er by Silje Bergum Kinsten (press copy from the publisher)
Smadra by Brynjulf Jung Tjønn (press copy from the publisher)
Bernard banker på by Ellen Mari Thelle (press copy from the publisher)
Kuk og hjarta by Heidi-Anett Haugen (press copy from the publisher)
Jeg tror fortsatt Proust tar feil om oss by Olav Løkken Reisop (press copy from the publisher)
Hvis by Tine-Jarmila Sir (press copy from the publisher)
The Firefly by Nancy Gray (press copy through Lola's Blog Tours)
Here Walk the Dead by Brynn Chapman (press copy through Prism Book Tours)
Tak over Teheran by Mahbod Seraji (purchased)
Fremmedordbok for kjærester by Xiaolu Guo (purchased)
Det høyeste vesen by Madame Nielsen (purchased)
Gatemagasinet Asfalt: Middag 2018 (Christmas gift)
Agathe by Anne Cathrine Bomann (press copy from the publisher)
Livet i Catfish Alley by Lynne Bryant (purchased)
Vox by Christina Dalcher (purchased)


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