Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; Recipes From Fiction Books That I Want To Try

It's Wednesday and time for a new Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge post, courtesy of Long and Short Reviews. The theme of the week was recipes from fiction books that I want to try.

I've personally read quite a few food-themed cosy mysteries and there's plenty of food I want to try. Luckily for me, some of the books contain recipes in the back for a few of the mentioned dishes, so I might attempt making some of them in the future.


  1. I really enjoy the books that include the recipes... have you read the Aunt Dimity mysteries? That was my first experience to that. My post is here if you want to come by:

    1. I haven't read Aunt Dimity mysteries yet, but thanks for the recommendation. :-)

  2. Good for you! I hope your cooking experiments go well. :)

  3. I actually mention cozies on my post as well. It seems most of them have recipes. I hope you enjoy checking them out!

  4. It's nice when the book give the recipes.

  5. I like when they include the recipe in the cozy. I mentioned that, too. :-)

  6. Oh, fun. Apparently my sort of reading doesn't generally think to include recipes like that, and now I'm kind of disappointed as there are several fantasy series where they would make great additions.

    My response is here.

    1. Recipes related to fantasy series sounds really fun. I've read a few fantasy novels myself and I can't deny there's plenty of stuff I want to try mentioned in such novels. :-)

  7. I haven't read any books with recipes in them, since way back when I was pregnant with my first child, and a "there, there, you're pregnant but you'll get through it" kind of book had a recipe for a baked chicken that is still one of my family's favorite recipes.

    1. It's nice when we come across a recipe that turns into a favourite. :-)


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