My Favourite... Thing About 2018 So Far

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for a new My Favourite... post, courtesy of Maureen's Books. The theme of the week was favourite thing about 2018 so far.

So far, it has been having an internship at a combined publishing house and indie bookstore (though the internship will probably end next week, I will know more next week though). It has been a fun experience, selling only books from publishers located in my area of Norway, in addition to having some amazing co-workers. The building itself might look a bit "boring" from the outside, but the courtyard in the back is almost something taken from a bright version of Pippi Longstocking's Villa Villakulla.

Sometimes it is almost a bit baffling what costumers asks or are interested in. Like, earlier today I had this sweet retired couple (probably in their 70's, based on their looks) visiting the store, who were really interested in a local World War II photography book we had in the window display (currently with WWII themed books). It just happened that they were German tourists and that the husband's father had been stationed in my area of Norway in an infantry division of the Wehrmacht and this husband was on the lookout for photos of his father during his stay here. Sadly they didn't find any photos of him in that book, but I nontheless wished them luck in finding any. 


  1. What a great job! And such a cute little couple. I hope your internship doesn't end, but if it does they should hire you! ;)

    1. Sadly my internship ended, but if I understood them correctly, I might be allowed to help with a few upcoming projects. :-)


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