Book Blogger Hop; Emerging Better for Reading a Book?

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Do you ever feel like you have emerged better for reading a book?".

In my case it can happen, but it really depends on the book as not all of them has that effect on me.


  1. As you say, the impact can vary from book to book.

    1. I think it does, but I also think it varies a bit from person to person as well. That one book that has an impact on X may not have an impact on Y.

  2. Totally understood - good answer. I think that reading in general allows us to better ourselves as people in one way or another, but some books will definitely have a bigger impact than others and it's tricky to pinpoint the ones that really have 'changed' us.

    Feel free to check out my Book Blogger Hop answer if you wish!

    - Charlotte (InkBlottings)

    1. It's sometimes a bit tricky to really pinpoint the ones that does have an impact.

  3. Definitely. More books have a stronger impact. The books that give me a book hangover, it tends to be those ones that really affect me.

    1. Although I read usually 100+ titles a year, I can't say that all of them has an impact on me, so personally, I think it's more about the quality than the quantity (at least in my case).

  4. I can't imagine every book I read having a remarkable effect on me. When one does, however, I'm ecstatic and immediately hunger for more.


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