Review; Cat's Paws and Curses by Nancy Warren

Recently, I read the cosy mystery Cat's Paws and Curses by Nancy Warren and today I'll post my review.

Description from Goodreads
When Lucy organizes a holiday knitting circle, it's good fun,
Until someone's murdered...
And the culprit must be one of the knitters...

Knitting an ugly Christmas jumper at Cardinal Woolsey’s knitting shop in Oxford, is supposed to be relaxing. Until a knitter keels over. it’s soon clear to amateur sleuth Lucy that murder's in the air and the culprit is one of the knitters.
This is a fun take on a classic closed room mystery. Of course, no room is every closed when vampires live downstairs. But are the undead knitters to blame? Or is there more to this Oxford knitting circle than lumpy Santas and light-up reindeer?
This is a shorter holiday whodunnit. It was previously published in the collection: Six Merry Little Murders.
More fun than an ugly Christmas jumper, this story is part of the Vampire Knitting Club series, though it can be read on its own. It's full of good clean fun, mysterious goings-on and holiday cheer.

My Thoughts on the Book
Cat's Paws and Curses was a quick read with several of the familiar characters from The Vampire Knitting Club series. It's certainly a locked room mystery and due to the short length, quickly resoved, but I almost wish it was a full-length novel. The benefit of the short length though, is that one can easily read it in one night to get some Christmas spirit.


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