Let's Talk Bookish; Can You Predict Someone’s Genre of Choice?

It's Friday and perhaps it's time for another Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Book Nook Bits and the topic of the week was "Can you predict someone's genre of choice?".

Here's the further prompts for this week.
What is your favorite genre and why? Is there a reason why those particular genres speak to you or capture your interest? What is your least favorite genre and why? Is the genre the biggest determination of whether you look for and choose a book, or is it something else? Do you find that you are able to predict what kind of genres people like based on their personalities? Do you notice patterns in which kinds of people like certain genres?
While I have a bit of an eclectic reading taste, I do have a weak spot for horror and paranormal books, as it enables me to enjoy all things spooky. On the flip-side of things, I do steer away from bodice-ripping historical romances as I find them way too cheesy and in lack of better definitions, unintelligent. Not that I say they're bad, they're just not "me", so if someone enjoy reading them, I'm not going to stop them.

As I mentioned, I'm a bit of an eclectic reader, so even if I love a good horror novel, I do read most books as long as the plot/premise sounds interesting. There's after all no point in reading a book, no matter the genre, if it doesn't sound interesting.

When it comes to predicting what genres people like, it can be a hit and miss from time to time, but after working at not only bookstores, but also a library, I'm for the most part successful in my guesswork. I wouldn't call it patterns, but I've occasionally noticed tendencies in terms of who likes what, whether it's the thrill-seeker who enjoys a fast-paced crime novel, the romantic who swoons over Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, or the calm intellectual person who might enjoy Stoner by John Williams, That said, I'm no Vianne Rocher of books though (reference to Chocolat by Joanne Harris).


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