Let's Talk Bookish; Have You Ever Considered Quitting Blogging?

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Book Nook Bits. The theme of the week was have you ever considered quitting blogging?

The further prompts for the theme are as follows;
Have your reasons for blogging changed since you started? If so, what changes have you noticed? Have you ever taken a break from blogging, or thought about it? Have you ever thought about quitting blogging entirely? What stops you? What gives you motivation to keep blogging?
I originally started book blogging for the fun of it and partially to track my reading, but I've continued blogging as a means to highlight diversity in literature as well as it gives me an outlet to talk about books in general.

I'm not even going to deny I've been burned out at times and played with the thought of either taking a break or quitting alltogether, but considering it's this blog's 10 years anniversary next month, I've felt it would been a bummer quitting/taking a break before that. It's not like all bloggers can say they've been blogging for ten years, if you know what I mean.

That said, I am really tempted to quit blogging soon, or the very least take a break, as I feel it's not giving me that much joy any more as it used to and feels more like a chore than anything else. There's also the "competition" of BookTok, BookTube and Bookstagram to consider, especially as I feel it's more focus on bookstagrammers and booktokers than "old school" book bloggers.

Another aspect that keeps me going so far, is the inspiration that goes both ways. Some people might get inspired to pick up a book due to me blogging about it, as well as me getting inspiration to keep going when I come across interesting topics to discuss or the very least, some fun blog posts to write.


  1. Thanks for suggesting a fun topic! It's definitely hard to keep going with a blog when you don't enjoy it anymore. I hard a personal one that I also had for 10 years before I decided to close it down cos I hadn't been posting or feeling inspired for the last few years before I decided to say g'bye. It's a bittersweet feeling! It can be demotivating when it feels like other platforms do get more attention but I hope you continue finding some inspiration :)


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