Review; Pharcel - Runaway Slave by Alick Lazare

A while ago I read Pharcel - Runaway Slave by Alick Lazare. As the author is from Dominica, I could finally cross of that country for my World Literature Project. Today I'll post my review of the novel.

Description from Goodreads
Pharcel, a runaway slave, is heavily sought by all the political forces on the small island of Dominica-the white English colonists, the revolutionary French, and the rebellious mulattos-for his role in the slave uprisings.

Torn between loyalty to his race and a strong personal desire for freedom and acceptance by the colonial powers and the rising mulatto influence, he walks a razor's edge of duplicity and ambivalence until his natural rebelliousness is pitted against the full force of colonial power. In the end, he succumbs to an irresistible and nearly fatal attraction for the wife of a French planter. But in a fit of ruthless rage, Pharcel sets the colony ablaze. Can he rescue her from the hands of his archenemy?

My Thoughts on the Book
Due to the theme and the plot of the novel, it can be a bit heartbreaking at times. Yet, it is still full of hope and one ends up rooting for Pharcel. I really enjoyed the writing style of the author in addition to the beautiful descriptions that made me feel like I was there in the book.

Pharcel - Runaway Slave is a book I highly recommend and I wish more people knew of it.


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