Book Tag Saturday; The Book Buyer Tag

I came across The Book Buyer Tag over at Melissa's Fandom World and I decided to play along.

Where do you buy your books from?
It's usually either physical shops, secondhand bookstores or online.

Do you ever pre-order a book and if so do you do this in store or online?
Even if I'm a huge bibliophile, I've actually never pre-ordered a book believe it or not.

On average, how many books do you buy a month?
It ranges from zero to five. I've got a huge backlog in addition to the fact that I recieve physical press copies from publishers from time to time and digital copies from Netgalley.

Do you use your local library?
Yes, as it's only a ten minute walk from where I live. I really like my local library and it even has a library café called Huldas Kjøkken that has some amazing food. Sadly the café is closed at the moment due to the virus, but the actual library has reopened partially, so it's at least possible to borrow and return books.

If so- how my books can you/do you borrow at a time?
I'm not sure if there's a limit on how many I can borrow, but I often borrow between one and five at the time usually.

How do you feel about charity shop/secondhand books?
I love browsing at secondhand bookstores, especially one in Stavanger called Løvås. They've got a wide selection of books, so there's always possible to find at least something.

Do you keep your read and TBR pile together/on the same book shelf or not?
I keep them seperate, just to keep track of them.

Do you plan to read all of the books that you own?
I plan to read the majority of them. There might be an odd title or two that I'll probably never read though.

What do you do with books you that you own that you feel you will never read/felt you did not enjoy?
I'll probably keep them or in a rare case, go to the secondhand bookstore with them.

Have you ever donated books?
It has happened, even if I rarely do.

Have you ever been on a book buying ban?
I've never had a proper book buying ban, but there has been times when I've not purchased any books. That said, I do sometimes recieve press copies from publishers, so I might still get my hands on new books, even if I don't buy them.

Do you feel that you buy too many books?
Is there such a thing as too many books?


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