Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; My Goals for 2020

It's Wednesday and time for a new Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge post, courtesy of Long and Short Reviews. As it's the beginning of the year, it was only fitting that the theme of the week was goals for 2020.

Personally, I don't have that many goals as I want to keep things a bit manageable, but I do have some goals. One of them is having a few themed months on my blog, such as Black History Month and Women's History Month. I'm also planning to participate in a few readathons, but I haven't quite decided which ones yet.

I considered participating in one or more reading challenges, but I decided not to this year, as there was few that interested me or they were too complicated in terms of prompts and such. Maybe I'll do something next year instead.

PS. If you know of any fun readathons in 2020, feel free to let me know.


  1. Have you set reading goals on Goodreads? I know that's a good one. Otherwise, I can't help, lol.

    Good luck with meeting your goals!

    1. Yeah, I've set my 200 books goal on Goodreads. :-)

  2. Good luck with meeting your goals. I like them. :-)

  3. I'm really looking forward to reading your Black History and Women's History month posts.

    My post.

  4. Good luck on your goals! I like the idea of themed months! I might steal that idea :-) My post is here:

    1. Thank you and feel free to steal the idea of themed months.

  5. Sounds like an interesting year you've planned.

    1. I can't deny this will be an interesting year. :-)

  6. Nice goals for your blog post. If you're looking for reading challenges, Roni Loren has one

  7. interesting goals. I too shy away from reading challenges but found an easy one on GoodReads, I think. Going to give it a try anyway. Happy New Year and thanks for sharing! Here's mine.

    1. I've participated in several reading challenges earlier years, I even hosted two last year, but what bugs me with some challenges are if they contain too many prompts one needs to do.


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