Book Blogger Hop; Bibliotherapy

It's Friday again, which means it's time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was "What is your opinion of bibliotherapy? Do you think this is a useful way of dealing with psychological issues? If you've used it yourself, or know someone who has, what book(s) would you recommend?". Book Blogger Hop I haven't tried bibliotherapy myself, but I believe it could be useful for some people in dealing with psychological issues. Every patient is different, so not all therapies will have the same effect on everyone and therefore I think it's essential to find the "right one" for the right patient. Bibliotherapy could be one of those. That being said, Norway is slower than a turtle when it comes to new approaches and therapies, but whether it's bibliotherapy, baking/cooking as therapy or other types of therapy, I think there is a need for it.