Omtale; It Grows in Winter av Chinyere Grace Okafor

I forbindelse med POC Reading Challenge, endte jeg opp med å lese diktsamlinga It Grows in Winter av Chinyere Grace Okafor og nå kommer omtalen.

Beskrivelse fra Goodreads
Okafor's lyricism is highly reminiscent of such nature poets as William Wordsworth, Matthew Arnold and W.B.Yeats. W.B. Yeats' 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree" shows his nostalgia for his Irish countryside whose beauty and tranquility he commemorated and celebrated in that poem. The beauty of Okafor's poems lies in its sensuality seen in the evocation of nature's beauty in the vision, sounds and smells which she captures, fused as they are with the poet's life experiences into a beautiful tapestry, a dance of life. Among the rhythms of life, emotions of pain, mirth, ecstasy, beauty in nature's rich diversity, she sports a deep spirituality of an encompassing essence manifest sometimes as a Mother figure or plainly He/She of a functional mutuality. It is only this power that can cause growth in the cold un-welcome aridity of winter when all life hibernates. But here in this volume of poetry, the poetic Muse is un-encumbered by time and weather and indeed grows in winter. There are few women poets in Nigeria today and Chinyere Okafor in her pestial creativity is fast taking centre stage. 

Mine tanker om boka
Det var mange dikt i denne samlinga som jeg likte, og hvis en har lyst til å sjekke ut dikt av afrikanske personer, kan denne diktsamlinga anbefales.


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