Omtale; Horizon av Tabitha Lord

Takket være iRead Book Tours, fikk jeg muligheten til å lese Horizon av Tabitha Lord, og nå kommer omtalen av romanen.

Beskrivelse fra Goodreads
Caeli Crys isn’t living—she’s surviving. On the run after the genocide of her empathic people, she witnesses a spaceship crash near her hidden camp. When she feels the injured pilot suffering from miles away, she can’t help but risk discovery to save his life.

Commander Derek Markham awakens stranded on an uncharted planet. His co-pilot is dead, his ship is in ruins, and he’s only alive because a beautiful young woman is healing him with her mind.
As Derek recovers, Caeli shares the horror of her past and her fear for the future. When Derek’s command ship, Horizon, sends rescue, Derek convinces Caeli to leave with him. But his world is as treacherous as hers—full of spies, interplanetary terrorist plots, and political intrigue. Soon the Horizon team is racing to defend an outlying planet from a deadly enemy, and Caeli’s unique skills may just give them the edge they need to save it.

Mine tanker om boka
Forfatteren klarte fint det å bygge en sci-fi verden, samtidig som hun fortalte deler av historien til Caeli. I tillegg kan en skimte noen poenger bak både forhistorien til Caeli samt evnene hennes, og jeg likte forholdet mellom henne og Derek.

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