Book Tag; Meet The Book Blogger Tag

I came across the Meet The Book Blogger Tag over at Lala's Book Reviews, who created the tag, and I decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag to do.

Thank the blogger who tagged you
Mention the creator Lauren @ Lala’s Book Reviews
Tag as many (or as few) people as you’d like
Have fun and get to know one another!

Introduce yourself!
I'm Kristin, currently 32 years old and I live in Bryne, Norway.

Something most everyone wants to know… do you have any pets?
I used to have a cat named Sussebass, but sadly I had to put him to sleep back in December 2019 due to issues related to FIV.

What is your favorite thing to drink?
I love coffee, tea and hot chocolate.

What is your favorite season?
My favourite season is autumn. There's something about the beautiful colours, the crisp air and "all things autumn" that just makes me warm and fuzzy.

Do you have any special talents?
Apart from being a fast reader with a bit of brainiac tendencies, I play the flute and I dare say I'm okay in the kitchen in terms of cooking and baking. Just please don't ask me to to make some cake with fancy decorations.

When and why did you start your blog?
I started this blog back in July 2012 as an outlet for my love of books in addition to motivate myself to read a bit more.

What is something that you wish you knew about blogging when you first started?
Don't be afraid of doing things a bit differently than other bloggers (how else are readers going to find you if you all "look the same"?). Also, don't worry about being "perfect", especially in the beginning. I had a bit of a learning curve throughout the years and my blog has evolved as well. What worked for me in the beginning doesn't necessarily work for me now.

What has been the hardest part about blogging?
Where do I begin? Don't get me wrong, blogging is fun and all that, but sometimes it's a bit hard coming up with enough content and especially varied content, as I don't want to publish 15 book reviews in a row.

Another thing that frustrates me a little bit is that I sometimes feel like it isn't always that much room for book bloggers that doesn't go in under the "white, straight, Christian, ablebodied, etc" category, which is part of the reason why I try to do my part in blogging about diverse books and authors as I'm bi.

What has been the most rewarding part of blogging?
Even if the book blogging community has a few flaws, one which I talked about earlier, I do think it's fun connecting with other people who love books.

Do you write your posts ahead of time or write them the day of posting?
I write my posts ahead of time, just to make it easier for me in order of having a consistent schedule. It's nice writing a bunch of posts ahead of time, so I don't need to worry.

Who are your top 5 favorite authors?
Ouch, it's hard to choose just five authors, but some of my favourite authors are these.
  • James Holland
  • Jessica Townsend
  • Laini Taylor
  • Najwa Zebian
  • Angie Thomas
What genre do you read the most?
I read a lot of fantasy and various crime/mystery.

What genre surprised you by how much you love it?
Although I already loved historical fiction, I was pleasantly surprised when I read my first western novel (yeah, those historical novels about cowboys, often set in the 1800's).

Which popular book didn’t live up to the hype for you?
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Who are some popular authors you haven’t read?
Stephanie Meyer and E. L. James

What upcoming release are you excited to read?

Murder at the Lakeside Library by Holly Danvers

Do you listen to music while reading?
If it's some calming music at the coffee shop I'm okay, but at home I prefer silence.

Where else can we find you online?

If you want to do this tag, consider yourself tagged.


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