Book Tag Saturday; The Joy of Christmas Book Tag

I came across the book tag called The Joy of Christmas Book Tag over at The Book Dutchesses a while ago, but decided to save it for the right occasion, which is now.

1 – Anticipation: The Christmas excitement is real, what book release(s) are you anticipating the most?
There's a bunch of releases I'm anticipating, but one I'm really looking forward to is The Story of a Goat by Perumal Murugan, which will be released in a few days.

2 – Christmas Songs & Carols: What book or author can you not help but sing its praises?
James Holland in general, but especially the historical novel A Pair of Silver Wings.

3 – Gingerbread Houses: What book or series has wonderful worldbuilding?
How can I not mention the A Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor? It's totally amazing.

4 – A Christmas Carol: Favorite classic or one that you want to read
My favourite classic is Dracula by Bram Stoker

5 – Christmas Sweets: What book would you like to receive for Christmas?
Mercy Road by Ann Howard Creel

6 – Candles in the window: What book gives you that warm fuzzy feeling?
The Peculiar Charm of Miss Jane Austen by Ada Bright & Cass Grafton

7 – Christmas Trees & Decorations: What are some of your favorite book covers?
The Woman in the White Kimono

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

A Daughter's Courage by Renita D'Silva

8 – Christmas Joy: What are some of your favorite things about Christmas?
Food and relaxation.


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