Omtale; In the Days of Cages av Aparna Lanjewar Bose

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I forbindelse med POC Reading Challenge, endte jeg opp med å lese diktsamlinga In the Days of Cages av Aparna Lanjewar Bose, og nå kommer omtalen.

Beskrivelse fra Goodreads
This dazzling new collection of poems by a remarkably gifted poet penetrates to unravel, expose, and cauterize the stereotypes in a uniquely individualistic style. Rejecting formalism of elites, these verses appear disarmingly simple and direct, too profound and significantly complex to communicate. Without the danger of stunning nostalgia, there is resistance and reflection and a discernible sociopolitical consciousness in addition to a regular reproach of the self whose seemingly endless search for belonging, meaning, and sanity collides with a disjointed, base, absurd, and insensitive world. Tender, confessional, joyous, painful, disturbing, rebellious, and provocative, the poems in this volume celebrate humanity and womanhood in all its complexities.

Mine tanker om boka
Jeg har lest bedre diktsamlinger enn dette, men noen av diktene var fullt brukbare. Det jeg derimot likte best, var illustrasjonene.


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