Book Blogger Hop: Favourite Part of Blogging

It's Friday again, which means it's time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, thanks to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question(s) of the week was "What is your favourite part of blogging? Is there a least favourite part of blogging?".

There's several parts of blogging that I really enjoy. One thing is that it gives me an outlet to voice my passion for literature and recommend books. There's this great book blogger community. There's the perks of sometimes recieving advanced reading copies in the mail (come on, how can a bookdragon NOT like free books?). In the time I've been a book blogger (little over five years), I've also gotten the opportunity to discover and read books and authors that I'd never pick up if I hadn't been a book blogger.

So I can't point out one single part of blogging that is my favourite, but book blogging as a whole can be a great thing.


  1. Great answer! :) I love the bookish community so much! Thanks to book blogging, I have met a number of new friends!

  2. Great answer...I have been introduced to authors I never would have known about either.

    I LOVE the book bloggers the BEST. They are an awesome bunch.

    1. It's so much fun being introduced to new authors. And there's a bunch of nice book bloggers out there. :-)

  3. I agree that reading books before they are released are some of the best parts!

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. It's really fun. It's a bit like sitting there, knowing that people have something to look forward to. :-)


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