Book Blogger Hop; Getaways And Adventures

It's Friday and for once, it's probably time for a Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer and the question of the week was "July is a month for getaways and adventure. What is your favorite book that takes the reader on an exciting journey or transfers them to a captivating destination?".

Alright, as I'm mainly focusing on horror and paranormal fiction on this blog, I figured out it would probably be for the best focusing on location(s) for this post. If anyone wants to be transported to Whitby, UK, the books "Scravir - While Whitby Sleeps" by C. M. Vassie and "The Whitby Witches" by Robin Jarvis is worth checking out. On the other hand, if you're into a bit more exotic places, Savage Jungle: Lair of Orang Pendek by Hunter Shea drags you to the Indonesian jungle, and "The Haunting of Las Lágrimas" by W. M. Cleese takes you to remote Argentina.


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